Reunion 2009, Nashville, Tenn., Page 4

L to R: Henry Helgeson, Marge Helgeson & Ira Sunday ( can't tell if that a smile or one of those you know what eating grins).

L to R: Jerry Toney, Mr. Steve Turner CO of LST-603 1968-69 & wife Louise Turner.

L to R: Fran Strickland, Janice O'Neal, Nancy Massey, Mike O'Neal, Robert, Mann & Jerry Toney (I'm still learning how to point the camera).

L to R: Steve Massey (as usual in your face) & wife Nancy Massey her normal nice smiling self.

Fran Kirkland, don't know what she's trying to sell now?

Reunion 2009, page1, page2, page3,  page4, page5, page6, page7, page8,