Reunion 2009, Nashville, Tenn., Page 3
L to R: Mike O'Neal, Robert Mann, Artie Kitchen, (he's finally got it down pat after all these years how to re-set his glasses, I taught him that ) Ira Sunday, Charlie Prather, Mike Urbom & Nancy Massey in front. |
L to R: Artie Kitchen's Head W/ Ira's Ear & Grey Hair to the left of him, standing Charlie Prather, Steve Massey lighting his Stogie (misnomer really, the Stogie not Steve), & Mike Urbom. |
L to R: Janice O'Neal & Nancy Massey, from their looks they aren't to happy with someone. There was a weirdo there though (not from our party) it might have been her. |
L to R: Nancy Massey, Janice O'Neal & Barb Mann. |