Reunion 2017, Charleston-II, S.C., Page 5

L to R: Steve Massey, Nancy Massey, Jodie Yinger, Ira Sunday,
Marion Coppinger, Barb Mann, Barbra Griffiths, Janice O'Neal
and the Artie controller Joan Kitchen.

L to R: Artie Kitchen, Mike O'Neal (happy?), Tom Griffiths, Robert Mann,
Wiley Coppinger, Norman Roth (still lost), Benak's brother-in-law, Benak's
sister and Donald Benak
Yinger143717a1   Joan Kitchen,  Janice O'Neal
and Nancy Massey at
 the Manigault Mansion
Joan and Artie Kitchen Artie0234
Reunion 2017, Page1, Page2, Page3, Page4, Page5, Page6, Page7, Page8,